Latin: ‘minera’ (obtained by mining) and ‘logia’ (study of)6>
Process mineralogy is the application of mineralogical knowledge to assist with the exploration, mining and beneficiation of ore deposits
The mineral assemblage determines the performance of all chemical and physical processes involved in the extraction of valuable commodities. Our services include sample preparation, optical microscopy, XRD and automated mineralogical analysis (MLA/QEMSCAN).
Sample Preparation
- Core cutting
- Crushing and pulverising
- Polished sections
- Polished thin sections
X-ray Diffraction
- Qualitative: Phase ID and relative proportions
- Quantitative: Phase ID and abundances
- Cluster analysis
- Clay analysis
Optical Microscopy
- Brief descriptions
- Detailed descriptions
- Graphite flake size analysis
SEM Analysis
- Asbestos identification
- Slag/matte investigation
- Mineral composition analysis (SEM-EDS)
- Mineral imaging
Automated Mineralogy
- Modal analysis
- Rapid particle mapping
- Detailed particle mapping
- Metal deportments (Au, PGE, base metals)
Additional Services
- Data analysis
- Literature surveys
- Training courses and seminars